Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation for California , United States

phone number with country code

The phone area code 1-310 is located in the state of California in the United States. It is the most populous area code in California, and serves Los Angeles, Malibu, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, and other beach cities, as well as Hawthorne, Inglewood, Lawndale, and Torrance. This area code is known to be home to the entertainment industry and serves many celebrities, musicians, actors, and producers. The high population and demand for phone numbers has lead to the state of California having several area codes, with the most recent area code being 988.
	  "query": "12134635888",
	  "status": "success",
	  "numberType": "FIXED LINE OR MOBILE",
	  "numberValid": true,
	  "numberValidForRegion": true,
	  "isDisposible": false,
	  "numberCountryCode": 1,
	  "numberAreaCode": 213,
	  "ext": null,
	  "formatE164": "+12134635888",
	  "formatNational": "(213) 463-5888",
	  "formatInternational": "+1 213-463-5888",  
	  "dialFromCountryCode": "US",
	  "dialFromCountryNumber": "1 (213) 463-5888",
	  "carrier": null,
	  "continent": "North America",
	  "continentCode": "NA",
	  "country": "US",
	  "countryName": "United States",
	  "region": "CA",
	  "regionName": "California",
	  "city": "Los Angeles",
	  "zip": "90099",
	  "lat": 34.0536909,
	  "lon": -118.242766,
	  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", 
	  "languageLikely": ["en-US","es-US","haw","fr"],
	  "offset": -28800,	  
	  "currency": "USD"