Terms of Service

Terms of Service

These terms apply to anonymous, unauthenticated users of phone-number-api.com.

Acceptable Use Policy

The use of the API is strictly limited for a non-commercial purpose and in a non-commercial environment.

Example of allowed, non-commercial usage:

  • using the services for your personal blog
  • using the services for animal or environmental protection, non-profit organizations in general
  • students in schools for education purposes only
  • validate phone numbers for users of a free, ad-supported game

  • Example of forbidden, commercial usage:

  • verification of phone numbers for non-personal websites
  • SMS or outbound calls for signup verification for non-personal websites
  • fraud prevention for websites, online orders, applications etc.

  • Only members with a pro subscription can use the API in a commercial environment.

    Usage limits

    If you exceed the usage limit of 5 requests per minute your access to the API will be temporarily blocked. Repeatedly exceeding the limit will result in your IP address being banned for up to 1 hour.


    We do our best effort to return accurate data, but the information returned may contain errors or be inaccurate.


    Have questions or concerns about phone-number-api.com, our services and privacy? Contact us here.