Phone Number API - JSON endpoint

The API base path is{number}


{number} is the phone number.{number}&fields=117443071
fields response fields optional
dial_from two-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 where you want to dial the number from optional
lang response language optional
callback wrap inside (JSONP) optional
There is no API key required.

Quick test

You can edit this query and play around with the options


Returned data

The API can return the following fields and values

If you don't require all the returned fields, use the GET parameter fields to specify which data should be returned. Separate the fields by comma (fields=status,message,query,country,city) or use a generated, numeric value (to save bandwidth)

name description example type
status success or failsuccessstring
message Included only when status is fail
Can be one of the following: invalid country, too short, too long, invalid query
invalid querystring
numberType Can be one of the following: fixed, mobile, fixed or mobile, toll free, premium, voip , pager, personal number, shard cost, uan, voicemail, unkown, invalid querymobilestring
numberValidValidity of phone numbertruebool
numberValidForRegionValidity of phone number for that regiontruebool
numberCountryCodePhone country code1number
numberAreaCodephone area code252number
formatE164Phone number in E.165 format+12524589668string
formatNationalPhone number in national format(213) 765-1000string
formatInternationalPhone number in national format+1 213-765-1000string
dialFromCountryCodeCountry code you want to dial from (callback dial_from)FRstring
dialFromCountryNumberPhone number to dial from dial_from parameter (default: US)00 1 213-765-1000string
extExtension, entered via ext., x or url encoded # (%23)485string
carrierCarrier nameVodafonestring
continentContinent nameNorth Americastring
continentCodeTwo-letter continent codeNAstring
countryNameCountry nameUnited Statesstring
countryTwo-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 USstring
regionRegion/state short code (FIPS or ISO)CA or 10 string
cityCityLos Angelesstring
zipZip code94043string
timezoneTimezone (tz)America/Los_Angelesstring
offsetTimezone UTC DST offset in seconds-25200int
currencyNational currencyUSDstring
queryPhone number used for the query12134635888string



Localized city, regionName and country can be requested by setting the GET parameter lang to one of the following:

lang (ISO 639) description
en English (default)
de Deutsch (German)
es Español (Spanish)
pt Português - Brasil (Portuguese)
fr Français (French)
ja 日本語 (Japanese)
zh 中国 (Chinese)
ru Русский (Russian)

Callback (JSONP)

By default there is no callback function called, but you can supply your own with the GET parameter callback



256-bit SSL encryption is not available for this free API. Please see our pro service.

Usage limits

This endpoint is limited to 5 requests per minute from an IP address.

If you go over the limit your requests will be throttled (HTTP 429) until your rate limit is reset. If you constantly go over the limit your IP address will be banned for one hour.

The returned HTTP header X-Rl contains the number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.

Your implementation should always check the value of the X-Rl header, and if the value is 0, you must not send any more requests for the next 60 seconds.

We do not allow commercial use for this endpoint. Please see our pro service for SSL access, unlimited queries and commercial support.

JavaScript code example

// An example script to validate the entered phone number
// in order to send a SMS or initiate an outbound call to the user

// we need only the the parameters numberType, numberValid and formatE164, of course you can request more fields
// see for documentation
var phone_number = document.getElementById("phone_number").value;
var endpoint = ''+phone_number+'&fields=status,message,numberType,numberValid';

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
	if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
		var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
		if(response.status !== 'success') {
			console.log('query failed: ' + response.message);
		// Actions
		if(response.numberValid == true) {		
			if(response.numberType == "MOBILE") {				
				console.log('send SMS from the backend to ' + response.formatE164);
				console.log('initiate outbound call from the backend to ' + response.formatE164);
			console.log('re-enter number...');				
};'GET', endpoint, true);

// An example script for finding out the distance from the user to multiple points

// Coordinates and name
var coords = [	
	{lat: 51.509865, lon: -0.136439, name: 'London, United Kingdom'},
	{lat: 52.520008, lon: 13.381777, name: 'Berlin, Germany'},	
	{lat: 40.7127837, lon: -74.0059413, name: 'New York, NY'},		
	{lat: 41.8781136, lon: -87.6297982, name: 'Chicago, IL'},	
	{lat: 37.3382082, lon: -121.8863286, name: 'San Jose, CA'},
	{lat: 34.0522342, lon: -118.2436849, name: 'Los Angeles, CA'},

// phone-number-api endpoint URL
// see for documentation
var phone_number = document.getElementById("phone_number").value;
var endpoint = ''+phone_number+'&fields=status,message,lat,lon,numberValid';

function getDistanceFromLatLonInKm(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
	var R = 6371; // Radius of the earth in km
	var dLat = deg2rad(lat2-lat1);  // deg2rad below
	var dLon = deg2rad(lon2-lon1); 
	var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
		Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * 
		Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2); 
	var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); 
	var d = R * c; // Distance in km
	return d;

function deg2rad(deg) {
	return deg * (Math.PI/180)

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
	if(this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
		var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
		if(response.status !== 'success') {
			console.log('query failed: ' + response.message);
		// Distance in kilometers for each coordinate		
		if(response.numberValid == 'true') {
			for(var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
				var diff = getDistanceFromLatLonInKm(coords[i].lat, coords[i].lon,, response.lon);
				console.log('distance to ' + coords[i].name + ': ' + diff + 'km');
			console.log('re-enter number...');
};'GET', endpoint, true);