Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation for Michigan, United States

phone number with country code

The area code (1)313 is the area code for the city of Detroit, Michigan in the United States. Detroit is the largest city in Michigan and the center of the Metro Detroit area. The 313 area code includes the following counties in Michigan: Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, and Monroe. The 313 area code is one of the original North American Numbering Plan area codes that were introduced in 1947.
	  "query": "12134635888",
	  "status": "success",
	  "numberType": "FIXED LINE OR MOBILE",
	  "numberValid": true,
	  "numberValidForRegion": true,
	  "isDisposible": false,
	  "numberCountryCode": 1,
	  "numberAreaCode": 213,
	  "ext": null,
	  "formatE164": "+12134635888",
	  "formatNational": "(213) 463-5888",
	  "formatInternational": "+1 213-463-5888",  
	  "dialFromCountryCode": "US",
	  "dialFromCountryNumber": "1 (213) 463-5888",
	  "carrier": null,
	  "continent": "North America",
	  "continentCode": "NA",
	  "country": "US",
	  "countryName": "United States",
	  "region": "CA",
	  "regionName": "California",
	  "city": "Los Angeles",
	  "zip": "90099",
	  "lat": 34.0536909,
	  "lon": -118.242766,
	  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", 
	  "languageLikely": ["en-US","es-US","haw","fr"],
	  "offset": -28800,	  
	  "currency": "USD"