Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation for North Dakota, United States

phone number with country code

The phone area code (1)701 is located in North Dakota, United States. It covers most of the state, from the Canadian border to the borders of Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana. Major cities served by the (1)701 area code include Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot. This area code was established in 1947.
	  "query": "12134635888",
	  "status": "success",
	  "numberType": "FIXED LINE OR MOBILE",
	  "numberValid": true,
	  "numberValidForRegion": true,
	  "isDisposible": false,
	  "numberCountryCode": 1,
	  "numberAreaCode": 213,
	  "ext": null,
	  "formatE164": "+12134635888",
	  "formatNational": "(213) 463-5888",
	  "formatInternational": "+1 213-463-5888",  
	  "dialFromCountryCode": "US",
	  "dialFromCountryNumber": "1 (213) 463-5888",
	  "carrier": null,
	  "continent": "North America",
	  "continentCode": "NA",
	  "country": "US",
	  "countryName": "United States",
	  "region": "CA",
	  "regionName": "California",
	  "city": "Los Angeles",
	  "zip": "90099",
	  "lat": 34.0536909,
	  "lon": -118.242766,
	  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", 
	  "languageLikely": ["en-US","es-US","haw","fr"],
	  "offset": -28800,	  
	  "currency": "USD"