Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation for Wisconsin, United States

phone number with country code

The phone area code (1)715 from Wisconsin, United States covers a large area of Northwest Wisconsin, including the cities of Eau Claire, La Crosse, Rice Lake, and Chippewa Falls. This area code is associated with the entire state of Wisconsin, but it is most popular in the regions of the counties of Eau Claire, La Crosse, and Chippewa. Companies using this area code include Wisconsin Public Service,Wisconsin Telephone Company, AT&T, and Verizon. The area code has been in service since April 22, 1998, before being split off from the (1)608 area code.
	  "query": "12134635888",
	  "status": "success",
	  "numberType": "FIXED LINE OR MOBILE",
	  "numberValid": true,
	  "numberValidForRegion": true,
	  "isDisposible": false,
	  "numberCountryCode": 1,
	  "numberAreaCode": 213,
	  "ext": null,
	  "formatE164": "+12134635888",
	  "formatNational": "(213) 463-5888",
	  "formatInternational": "+1 213-463-5888",  
	  "dialFromCountryCode": "US",
	  "dialFromCountryNumber": "1 (213) 463-5888",
	  "carrier": null,
	  "continent": "North America",
	  "continentCode": "NA",
	  "country": "US",
	  "countryName": "United States",
	  "region": "CA",
	  "regionName": "California",
	  "city": "Los Angeles",
	  "zip": "90099",
	  "lat": 34.0536909,
	  "lon": -118.242766,
	  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", 
	  "languageLikely": ["en-US","es-US","haw","fr"],
	  "offset": -28800,	  
	  "currency": "USD"