Free Phone Number Lookup and Validation for California , United States

phone number with country code

The telephone area code (1)909 is located in Southern California, covering much of the Greater Los Angeles and Inland Empire Areas. This area code is one of the most populous areas in the United States, with more than 3.6 million people living in the area. The largest cities in the (1)909 area code are Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ontario, as well as many other communities in the Inland Empire. (1)909 has seen some of the highest population growth in the entire country, due in part to its proximity to Los Angeles. In addition, (1)909 is home to many celebrities and is known for its renowned shopping, entertainment, and cultural attractions.
	  "query": "12134635888",
	  "status": "success",
	  "numberType": "FIXED LINE OR MOBILE",
	  "numberValid": true,
	  "numberValidForRegion": true,
	  "isDisposible": false,
	  "numberCountryCode": 1,
	  "numberAreaCode": 213,
	  "ext": null,
	  "formatE164": "+12134635888",
	  "formatNational": "(213) 463-5888",
	  "formatInternational": "+1 213-463-5888",  
	  "dialFromCountryCode": "US",
	  "dialFromCountryNumber": "1 (213) 463-5888",
	  "carrier": null,
	  "continent": "North America",
	  "continentCode": "NA",
	  "country": "US",
	  "countryName": "United States",
	  "region": "CA",
	  "regionName": "California",
	  "city": "Los Angeles",
	  "zip": "90099",
	  "lat": 34.0536909,
	  "lon": -118.242766,
	  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", 
	  "languageLikely": ["en-US","es-US","haw","fr"],
	  "offset": -28800,	  
	  "currency": "USD"